Reflected in the title above is a heartfelt comment to mine that he must truly love music. It's the response by my musical composer-pianist friend Bruce, about his deep and abiding, life-long love of music, and through music to an affirmation of life and love.
Bruce fell in love with the piano and music in preschool. It started when his teacher lifted him up on the piano bench to sit beside her as she played for the children. Then and there magic struck -- and stuck!
How did she know among all the children, to choose Bruce? And did she know how her one small gesture would result in another kind, supportive, loving, musical soul in this world?
I don't know about you, but right now I NEED to associate with like peaceful others to celebrate and feel joy. Politics in the past and present have utterly exhausted me (two therapists with whom I was recently conversing, told me that I am not alone!). Two former blogs I wrote on those unbiquitous "war words" we all know too well, brought the exhaustion home.
So how can we celebrate? With music, of course!
I decided to review my playlist then search for the happiest songs and pieces that reflect the kind of world in which I wish to live, and keep rooting for and writing about musical expressions that I hope will resonate with my readers who would like a small pick-me-up today.
Then I serendipitously discovered this amazing group, Playing for Change (mostly street musicians), started in 2002 by two musicians in California (where have I been?). Almost immediately I felt I "knew" each musician, child to elder -- because I knew their smiles and musical movements and feelings - because I feet them, too!
Who among us, will NOT shake our bootie and get up and dance? And better yet, feel more connected to others in peace?
So for your Happy today, please choose at least one of these songs to enjoy (and explore many more by this group posted on YouTube; some in the list below may be "for members only" - but I immediately joined upon discovering this group!):
Playing for Change - "To inspire and connect humanity" (Perhaps you, too, might wish to join this amazing musical initiative? It's a fabulous project that apparently joins in one perfectly-recorded song at a time, various musicians from around the world!):
"Better Together"
"Sittin on the Dock of the Bay"
(pretty one pictured above, poem from Vol. II "Poetical Musings")
You cannot argue with music as with words.
A melody is soul expressed and heart contoured
In line and note. But rest assured
'Tis beyond that, that we are stirred
To express ourselves as we are spurred
To do. Music rules without words.
To argue contra would be absurd;
A song is more than just one word -
Just listen to the mockingbird!